[NZ] Invite a Contact

Invite a party to be added to your contact list once they have instantly verified their bank account

Updated over a week ago

Before you can pay or direct debit your end customer, you must ensure that they're part of your contacts. There are two ways you can add a new contact:

Please be advised that the contact added this way will not have an agreement in place and cannot be direct debited and can only be direct credited.

  1. Add a contact via the UI

    Follow the below steps to add the contact's bank account details:
    a. Log into your Zepto dashboard
    b. Click on Contacts from the left-hand menu items
    c. Click on Enter Bank Details button
    d. Enter your customer's details
    e. Click on Add Contact button

  2. Add a contact via the API

To add a contact via the API, you will need to use the /contacts API endpoint. The details can also be found on our API documentation attached here.

Example request:

"name": "Hunter Thompson",
"email": "hunter@batcountry.com",
"phone": "0256945832",
"account_number": "13048322",
"metadata": {
"custom_key": "Custom string",
"another_custom_key": "Maybe a URL"

Response [200]:

"data": {
"id": "6a7ed958-f1e8-42dc-8c02-3901d7057357",
"name": "Hunter Thompson",
"email": "hunter@batcountry.com",
"phone": "0256945832",
"type": "anyone",
"metadata": {
"custom_key": "Custom string",
"another_custom_key": "Maybe a URL"
"bank_account": {
"id": "55afddde-4296-4daf-8e49-7ba481ef9608",
"account_number": "13048322",
"bank_name": "Bank of New Zealand",
"state": "active",
"blocks": {
"debits_blocked": false,
"credits_blocked": false

Hope this helps, feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or concerns by reaching out to our team at support@zepto.com.au or by clicking on the bubble at the bottom of the screen.

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