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[AU] How to Use Our Bank Connection Features

This article describes possible use-cases along with how to use our new Bank Connection suite

Updated over a week ago

Note: This article is relevant to merchants integrating with Zepto in Australia.

What is a Bank Connection?

Bank connections are read-only connections to your contacts' banking data. This allows Zepto (and yourself) to make intelligent transactional decisions leading to a smoother Direct Debit process. These Bank Connections can be managed either via your UI or by using our API.ย 

When are Bank Connections created?

A bank connection can be created in multiple ways:

The first happens when one of your potential customers goes through the IAV (Instant Account Verification) process and verifies their Bank Account. This creates a link between us and the Bank Account that they have verified which you are now able to take advantage of.

A second way, this can happen is when you have already had your customer go through your own IAV process and have a valid connection with their Bank Account. If this is the case you can "pass" this connection to us and, in turn, we are able to allow you this functionality through the connector.

Lastly, if you have a contact in your Zepto account, and you don't have a connection to their bank already, you are able to create a link that you can share with this contact which will allow them to enter their banking credentials. Once verified you will have an active connection with this contact.

How can I Manage My Bank Connections?

There are two ways you can interact with your Bank Connections, using your Zepto Account's User Interface or via our API. Choose the option that best suits your integration below to see how you can manage your connections.

Managing Bank Connections via the User Interface

You can view and edit your current Bank Connections by clicking on the "Bank Connections" button, located on the left-hand menu on your Zepto Dashboard.

How to view all existing Bank Connections via the UI

Once you are in the Bank Connections section of your Zepto dashboard, you will be able to scroll down and view all current available Bank Connections. On this page, you can view a simplified view of each connection. The fields are shown here:

  • Description - Clickable link that will take you to this Connections information page. Use this page to view more detailed info on this Connection.

  • Status - The current status of these Connections.

  • Institution - The banking institution this connection links to.

  • Last refreshed - The date and time at which this connection was last refreshed.

Example Bank Connection Page:

Click on the Description which will redirect you to the detailed information about the selected bank connection.

Example Connection Details Page:

How to have a contact re-authorise their Bank Connection via the UI

From time to time and for varying reasons your Bank Connections may become invalid and you will be unable to refresh your contact's available balance. When this happens, you can have your contact re-authorise this connection by following these steps:

  • Find the associated connection in your Bank Connections list and click on the description field to be taken to the connections page.

  • Here, you will find a Reauthorise field with a clickable link that states View invitation Link which, when clicked, will give you a link to share with your contact.

  • Once your contact follows this link and fills in the form with valid details, a read-only connection will be re-established with their bank account and you will be able to refresh the available balance again.

How to add a connection to an existing contact via the UI

While logged in to your Zepto Account you can view your contacts and whether or not you have an active connection with their bank by following these steps.

  1. Navigate to your Contacts page and click on the blue Reference field that you wish to add a bank connection.

  2. Once on this specific contacts page, you will be able to see a label called Bank connection. Next to this label, you will see a link. This link could be one of two things depending on whether or not you already have a connection to their bank.

  3. If this link says manage you have a current bank connection which you can view by clicking this link. If, however, the link says View Invitation Link you do not have a current connection and are able to create one by clicking on this link and sharing it with your customer.

  4. Once your contact follows this link and fills out the required information, you will have an active connection to their bank and can utilise our pre-checking functionality.

Getting the invite link for your customer:

Managing Bank Connections via the API

How to view all existing Bank Connections via the API

Please use the List all Bank Connections API Endpoint to view all your existing bank connections. Where your contacts have a bank connection attached, the bank connection id is also included in the response of the List all Contacts, and Get a Contact API endpoints.

How to have a contact re-authorise their Bank Connection via the API

Obtain the Bank Connection ID for your contact via the List all Contacts, or Get a Contact API endpoint. Next, fetch the Bank Connection using the Get a Bank Connection API endpoint. The response payload contains the update_bank_connection field, which is a link that you can pass on to your customer to reauthorise their bank account.

How to add a connection to an existing contact via the API

Fetch the contact using either the List all Contacts, or Get a Contact API endpoint. The contact response payload contains add_bank_connection field, which is a link that you can pass on to your customer to connect their bank account and create the connection.
I hope this article has helped, feel free to reach out to us by clicking on the blue bubble icon or email us directly at

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